The Most Boring Article About Fat Liver Hepatic Steatosis Is Defined You'll Ever Read

 Fat liver hepatic steatosis is defined as fatty loading of the liver the most important cause is chronic alcohol intake it is also called alcoholic steatohepatitis nash syndrome the second cause is obesity 

the diabetes this lipidemia which is also called non-alcoholic steroidal hepatitis

syndrome and another cause is chronic hepatitis i in approximately fifty percent of

hepatitis c patients mild fatty loading is present it was believed that hepatic

steatosis is always diffuse

but after emergence of new diagnostic modalities such as high resolution ultrasounds and

CT scans now it is revealed out that the hepatic status can affect the liver and equally and therefore fatty free areas can be seen within a fatty level or focal fatty infiltration can be

appreciated in a normal liver

the reason for this different fat load is not clear it is likely due to the changes in the arterial

portal venous vasculature well viscolite areas being less fatty

hepatic statuses can be simple which is asymptomatic while it can be associated with

inflammation manifested as cytolysis syndrome or steatohepatitis ultrasound cannot

differentiate these two types

the cytolysis syndrome should always be evaluated with the got in gpt ratio and there will be increased got gpt ratio and that will indicate alcoholic etiology the presence of the HCV

antibodies shows association of liver stenosis with chronic hepatitis c

ultrasound is the modality of choice which can easily in precisely diagnose the hepatic steroids the sensitivity is more than 90 percent the liver appears hypereq as it is compared to the renal parenchyma

it is accompanied by posterior attenuation due to this fatty tissue there is direct correlation between the liver fat load and the severity of the posterior attenuation therefore depending on the intensity of posterior attenuation 

a subjective in semi-quantitative assessment of the state hoses can be made attention is required that severe stratos is may obscure depletions of the liver therefore further modalities such as ct scans are recommended in such cases regarding grading score 0 is for absent fatty changes or liver statuses mild statuses the score is one that is slight diffused and increase in liver echogenicity and normal diaphragm in portal when wall is appreciated


 the score is two it shows increased level equality with slight impure appearance of the portal vein wall in their front while let's see where the score is three there is increased liver

ecosystem with poor or non visualization of the portal vein wall in diaphragm and the posterior part of the right lever will not be clearly visualized these two images show mild hepatic steroids in this we can see that the liver is hyper quick but the whistles wall

can be appreciated and also the idea from is appreciable in this image the rear from is poorly

appreciable and the lever is hyper equipped this is the severe case we cannot appreciate the wall of the portal veins in also the diaphragm is not appreciated in this therefore labeled a severe hepatic steatosis

there is another term used focal statuses are fatty free areas ultrasound shows the juxtaposition of the liver tissue with different equality free fatty areas are hypoallergenic areas in a hyper acrylic liver while focal status are hyper equips in a liver with normal

liquid density

 so the focal status is in the fatty free areas are present the delimitation of these area is clear

they have often a geographical contour in variable size they never alter the hepatic surface

or infiltrate in invade vascular structure in these two images we can see

that fatty free area is present in the right lobe while there is a fatty free area in the left lobe this is the focal statuses surrounding the gb this is the GB in days or the hyper quick tissue so the gb or the gallbladder is surrounded by the fatty statuses

the differential diagnosis of fatty free areas is difficult so we should exclude the primitive or secondary liver tumors that can appear in fatty liver dd cannot be done only by standard ultrasound contrast imaging methods are necessary such as

CT MR and construct enhanced ultrasound

if we conclude ultrasound is a good method for assessment of the hepatic statuses ultrasound is non-invasive used for semi-quantification of steatosis in this is well correlated with the histological fat loading of the liver ultrasound easily diagnosed

the focal hepatic statuses or fatty free areas while differentiated growth will require export synologists and sometimes needs contrast enhanced ultrasound

thank you very much 


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